An Exciting Announcement...
Forgive me for “tooting my horn” a bit but I just had to let you know that a new book Sue Lacher (head coach of the Monthly Mentor™ Program) and I have been working on for the past year or so titled, ‘Double Your Income Doing What You Love’ will be in book stores shortly.
Now this book includes all my latest thoughts on “The Law of Attraction” and brand new insights about goal achievement, the Monthly Mentor™ Program and more…
My book is now available from Amazon to Pre-order at a HUGE 33% discount off the cover price! Click on the link above to Order Now!
Here’s just a small taste of what the book includes:
• How you can achieve your toughest goals right now…without waiting
• A new, dead simple, step-by-step process to move you closer to what you love and further from what you don’t…so you can spend more time doing ONLY what you love
• How to know exactly what you want to produce during this lifetime…Discover how to focus your attention and efforts like a laser beam to get the results you want
• How to skyrocket your income by zeroing-in on your special talents…
• A little-known way to record your goals that automatically taps into the powerful “Law of Attraction”…now you can achieve your biggest goals at light-speed