Make Money Fast by Finding Your Burning Desire
If you know your Burning Desire … then double your income, or more, using it.
If you do NOT know your Burning Desire… then find it so that you can make double your income, or more.
If you know your Burning Desire, then realize that you already are far ahead of almost everyone else on the planet in that arena, even if you do not believe it yourself!! YES, just having a Burning Desire means that you already know a lot.
Your job is two-fold:
1) Believe that you are far ahead of most people (so that you can begin making money at it)
2) Start the exciting process of creating educational products for others who are interested, but not burning
How do you create educational products? It’s easy. First you must get content. There are three ways to get content:
1) Your Own Wisdom (and you indeed do have lots of information that others actually want)
2) Google (do Google searches and learn even more)
3) Interview Experts (who are typically eager to impart their wisdom)
Now that you have content, what do you do with it? Easy. There are many ways to package the content:
1) Special Reports (type a few pages and you have a special report)
2) Book (type a few dozen pages and you have a downloadable book)
3) Audio (audio-record by just talking into a recording device and you have a podcast or a downloadable audio product)
4) Video (just videotape yourself or your Experts and you have video products)
5) Speech (if you are comfortable on stage, then present your content live in front of audiences)
As you can see, there are many different ways to package the same information. Don’t spend your time choosing which one – do more than one. Do several. It’s fun.
On the other hand, if you don’t know your Burning Desire, just …
1) think of what you do for free,
2) think of what you never procrastinate
3) think of what you enjoy doing
4) think of what others compliment you for doing (even if it seems small to you).
Now, just take one thing that fits into this list. Even if you think you could never make money at it. Take one item. Then, cycle back up to the beginning of this blog post and begin creating content. You will soon see that you will create a following of people who will soon be willing to buy from you! It works and it’s fun.
Comment on this post. Comment on your status with respect to finding your Burning Desire.
And, you can get even more on this topic by enjoying my entire bestselling book DOUBLE YOUR INCOME DOING WHAT YOU LOVE at http://RaymondsBook.com/gift, so that you get started right away living the life you deserve.
Remember that the reason you are interested is so that you can have the time and financial freedom to live the life of your dreams. Now is the best time to start, by clicking on http://RaymondsBook.com/gift.
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