Tag Archives: Coaching
Seeing What Others Don’t With Robert Kiyosaki

Seeing What Others Don’t With Robert Kiyosaki

I recently had the honor of interviewing the world-famous Robert Kiyosaki and this is what I learned…

The popular perception is that being an entrepreneur and investing in general is risky business in which you’re likely to lose your shirt – is a myth. Well, it’s time to debunk that myth!

You need to “see what others cannot see”. Read more…

Just Be Your Word

Just Be Your Word

Millions of us make resolutions, promises and commitments to better our lives.

Individuals promise themselves that they will go on a diet, exercise more, stop smoking or make more money.

Each person really means it at the time but about 90% of them fail. You may even be one of them.

The good news is, there’s a reason this keeps happening to you – and you can do something about it. Read more…

Leadership From Within

Leadership From Within

When most people think of great leaders they picture someone extraordinary, like Mother Theresa, Mahatma Gandhi or Bill Gates, but the truth is everyone is born with leadership qualities.

As children we start out having a real sense of who we are and what we’re passionate about. We dream, are perpetually curious and live in the moment, plus we feel things and are not afraid to show it. We trust ourselves and our beliefs.

Then life gets in the way.

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Health, Happiness and Passion

Health, Happiness and Passion

You may already know that differences in brain chemistry affect how men and women communicate, but did you know that the same type of dissimilarities impact our health, happiness and ability to maintain passion in a relationship?

Dr. John Gray, the author of “Men Are from Mars, Women Are from Venus,” says that mineral deprivation and the Mars/Venus principle both play a significant part in relationship issues, as do sharp increases and decreases in sugar levels.

Simply put, men and women have different nutritional needs but don’t usually fit diet to gender.

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