Tag Archives: Coaching
Double Your Income on the Internet by Learning a Lesson From Google’s Famous Barcode Tribute

Double Your Income on the Internet by Learning a Lesson From Google’s Famous Barcode Tribute

In early October 2009, Google’s famous homepage was different. Instead of the usual word “Google” at the top of the page with each letter in a different color, there was instead a black and white barcode. There was no explanation. There was no warning beforehand. There was just this enigmatic barcode.

Tens of millions of people clicked on the barcode, which was a hyperlink, and discovered that it was Google’s tribute to the 57th anniversary of the invention of the now-famous and ubiquitous barcode.

So what? How does this teach you a lesson which will allow you to increase your income, indeed even double your income? The answer lies under the topic of Trend Marketing.

Since there were up to 100 million Google searches that day involving the word “barcode” — way way higher than on any previous day in Internet history — it is clear that the world wanted to know about barcodes because of Google’s tribute.

All you need do is come up with any way to connect what you do to a barcode and then post an article on an article-hosting website,  or else on your own blog and presto you will get some of those 100 million searches clicking on your article or blog.

Let me give you an example. I teach people how to double their income doing what they love. So, I posted this article called “Double Your Income by Learning a Lesson from Google’s Famous Barcode Tribute”. It does not matter how far-fetched is the connection, just make some connection and you will get some of that huge traffic. Of that huge traffic, some will come to your website and squeeze you their name and contact information and your database will thereby grow and you will earn a higher income, eventually double.

Another example? If you are a therapist, you could write an article “I See You As An Individual, Not A Barcode”. If you are a plumber, you could write a blog post entitled: “I Fix Leaks, Not Barcodes”. If you are an eye doctor, your blog post might be: “Can You Actually Read a Barcode?”. You see, even a fanciful connection is OK. It will attract traffic. That is the key to success on the Internet.

And, you can get even more on this topic by enjoying my entire bestselling book DOUBLE YOUR INCOME DOING WHAT YOU LOVE at http://RaymondsBook.com/gift, so that you get started right away living the life you deserve.

Remember that the reason you are interested is so that you can have the time and financial freedom to live the life of your dreams. Now is the best time to start, by clicking on http://RaymondsBook.com/gift.

Also, follow me on http://Twitter.com/RaymondAaron and I will immediately follow you back.

Finally, please become my Facebook Fan at http://RaymondAaron.com/FB.

Income – Increase Yours Through Delegation

Income – Increase Yours Through Delegation

Business owners and career professionals have a few characteristics in common that allows them to be successful. One such trait is their ability to delegate tasks that can be accomplished better by someone else. This action can be the difference in whether you earn a high income.

We have become expert goal setters. We have clearly defined the action steps needed for success. We have also changed the way we look at life, and the happenings in it. Now we must master the art of avoiding procrastination.

Procrastination is an action, or lack of action, that can kill productivity. It can cripple you in your personal financial status, and it will ruin the progress of a growing business that you own. Procrastination limits your ability to sustain the momentum you have gained from all of the other positive life changes.

One way to avoid procrastination is to remember the lesson of doing what you love. You can also draw from knowing that you must limit your daily actions to those special talents that you are truly good at. Limit what you physically do to just a few (3 or 4) things every day.

By choosing only the tasks that you love and that you are good at, you will have no problem in accomplishing them in a timely manner. This productivity is built in, as you enjoy doing the things you have assigned yourself. Delegating the other tasks, while every bit as important as the ones you chose for yourself, can be performed by a peer or staff member who may be better suited for them.

Making the connection between delegation and procrastination is pretty simple. Say you have to paint three more paintings for your art show. The promotional flyers need to be designed and printed, and the caterer needs to be notified of last minute menu changes.

You are adequate at writing promotional copy, and terrible at the software suite that designs the flyers. You know this task needs to be done for the show, but you put it off until the last moment, and then end up spending double your budgeted amount on the rush print job and the design help you got from the printer.

The three paintings that you turned out were not your best work, and the menu got changed, but to the satisfaction of the caterer and not you, the star of the show! By failing to delegate the flyer work and the event planning, you procrastinated in getting those tasks done. It caused your art to suffer, and cost you money.

This ripple effect can be avoided by simply focusing your efforts on what you do well, and delegating the rest. By delegating the other tasks you would have focused on your painting, and ensured that the quality of the art at the show was up to snuff. Your event also would have been attended by more people perhaps, and the food would have been to your liking as well.

Procrastination in the form of failing to delegate tasks to others is just one way that you lose momentum in business. No one can be everything to everyone. That is true in life, and it is also a wealth secret that many who earn a high income know.

And, you can get even more on this topic by enjoying my entire bestselling book DOUBLE YOUR INCOME DOING WHAT YOU LOVE at http://RaymondsBook.com/gift, so that you get started right away living the life you deserve.

Remember that the reason you are interested is so that you can have the time and financial freedom to live the life of your dreams. Now is the best time to start, by clicking on http://RaymondsBook.com/gift.

Also, follow me on http://Twitter.com/RaymondAaron and I will immediately follow you back.

Finally, please become my Facebook Fan at http://RaymondAaron.com/FB.

Failure Could Be Your Biggest Advantage to Double Your Income

Failure Could Be Your Biggest Advantage to Double Your Income

No one likes to fail, and I’m sure it’s hard to see how it could possibly double your income. However, those scrapes and bruises could define your ability to make it through a rough time. With the economy as turbulent as it is today, this type of skill could prove invaluable. When you learn the consequences of your actions, you became a stronger person that is able to stand up to adverse times.

We’ve all faced our share of tough lessons. There are very few of us that just woke up one day and had it all planned out and were ready to go. I was one of those people that took about 30 years to figure out how to get out of debt, double my income, or just simply do something I love.

I have been married and divorced. I proposed to a lady a few years ago who turned me down when I was in the height of my career. I was side struck and devastated. I honestly never saw it coming. I moped around for over a half a year before I met Karyn.

Karyn was the lady that I had wanted to meet my whole life. I got down on bended knee in front of an audience of 100 people at a life-transforming seminar in Hawaii recently. She said “Yes!” I couldn’t be happier. I would never have experienced this type of joy if it hadn’t been for my previous “failure”.

Thirty years ago, I started applying for jobs trying to figure out what I loved. I had my heart set on this job for six months. When I didn’t get it, I was a wreck. The truth of the matter is that I never would have gotten the job making a speech that launched my career as a teacher and mentor. In all likelihood, if I had gotten that job, I would still be working 60 hours a week and a very unhappy man. This failure launched me to the level of success that I enjoy today.

Not all failure has to be bad. Take those failures and use them as your new set of skills to identify the things in life that really matter to you. I know that during a tough time, the chances to double your income may seem dismal, but you have to start somewhere.

Some of the greatest opportunist rediscovered the Law of Attraction and positive thinking during tough times. Did you know that Napoleon Hill wrote one of the best-selling books of all time, Think and Grow Rich, during the middle of The Depression? He ended up creating a formula for some of the most influential teachers. Franklin D. Roosevelt was even known to employ his advice.

Let’s get started down the road of success together. Take this turbulent economy and make an opportunity of it. Learn how to solve your problems. When you or your friends start to complain, take a different approach. Try to find a solution. The ability to double your income depends largely on your ability to move through a situation with strength and courage to do what you love.

2011 Ultimate Success Blueprint

2011 Ultimate Success Blueprint

The marketplace, the world, and the economy SHIFTED over the last 12 months.

Fail to acknowledge that shift – and you will lose.

But the good news is, I have already paid the high price of trial & error, testing, and employing the top experts/trainers/coaches… and I have the NEW BLUEPRINT for success in 2011!

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