Tag Archives: Raymond Aaron
Make Money, Lots More Money, by Following Your Heart

Make Money, Lots More Money, by Following Your Heart

The error that most people make is fearing to do what they love.

People who are already in a job or business think that at least there is income to put food on the table and a roof over the head. True. But, on your death bed, do you really want people around you commenting on that your life was about food and roofs? I do not think so.

Refer to the lives of anyone you respect. Gandhi. Michelangelo. Picasso. JFK. Nelson Mandela. Think of these lives. Were their lives about food and shelter? NO. Their lives were about service. Their lives were about doing only what they loved.

OK, so maybe you and I will never become historical icons … but our lives can still be about making a difference on a smaller scale and our lives can be about doing what we love so that we feel fulfilled.

Frank Lloyd Wright, the greatest architect since Michelangelo hundreds of years ago, on his 80th birthday was asked: “What is the most important building you’ve designed?”. He replied: “My next one”. Was he a workaholic? NO, he simply did was he loved so fully that he wanted to do more … even at age 80.

What do you love to do? How can you do more of that and less of what you do not love? Take a step towards what you love … every month … and take a step away from what you do not love … every month … soon your life will be only what you love and you will have made it. Bravo.

What do I love? I love teaching. That’s why I fly around the world giving speeches. That’s why I blog. I love teaching. What do you love?

And, you can get even more on this topic by enjoying my entire bestselling book DOUBLE YOUR INCOME DOING WHAT YOU LOVE at http://RaymondsBook.com/gift, so that you get started right away living the life you deserve.

Remember that the reason you are interested is so that you can have the time and financial freedom to live the life of your dreams. Now is the best time to start, by clicking on http://RaymondsBook.com/gift.

Also, follow me on http://Twitter.com/RaymondAaron and I will immediately follow you back.

Finally, please become my Facebook Fan at http://RaymondAaron.com/FB.

Make Money, Huge Money, Using Videos – And It’s Free!

Make Money, Huge Money, Using Videos – And It’s Free!

In this post, you’ll learn:

  • the easiest and fastest and safest and least expensive way to take videos
  • the easiest and fastest way to get those videos from your camera to the web
  • the fastest way to begin making money for free using this fascinating little idea
  • and, much more !!

FLIP Video – buy one!!

FLIP Video is the brand name of an amazing new camcorder. It is the size and weight of a deck of playing cards. And, it has very few buttons … record, stop, and a few others. That’s it. So simple. So sweet. And, really really inexpensive. The cost is about $160. And, it’s available at every high tech store. Buy one. Get rid of your old-fashioned camcorder.

Why do you want or need one? Because this little hand-held device can dramatically increase your income. How?


If you have business income (a store, a professional, a Realtor, a salesman, network marketing – whatever), then simply make videos about what you know. Or else, interview others who are successful in your industry. What should the videos be about? Let me give you some interesting topics which you can immediately use:

  • What is the most important thing to know about (this business – fill in the name of your business)
  • What is the one thing that people do wrong and how does it hurt them
  • What is the one thing that a few people do correctly and really well and how does it help them
  • What is the one worst pitfall you should avoid
  • What is the … you get the message.

Ask a question. And, then answer it. On video. If you don’t know the answer, then ask that question of someone else in your industry and videotape their answer. Or look it up on Google and find the answer. It’s easy and fun. Then, make a brief 2-minute or so video and post it on YouTube.com.

Call To Action

Remember to include a Call-To-Action. People who play your video and like what you say will want to learn more or will want to do business with you. For example, your call to action might be:

  • go to my website to get a free something-or-other
  • phone me to get a free bla-bla-bla.

This is a free easy brilliant way to get new business.

How Much Free Business Will You Get Using Videos?

Maybe your video will get only a few dozen hits and only one caller. Heck, that’s one more prospect than you had before. But, maybe you will get tens of thousands of hits and lots and lots of callers.

And, you can get even more on this topic by enjoying my entire bestselling book DOUBLE YOUR INCOME DOING WHAT YOU LOVE at http://RaymondsBook.com/gift, so that you get started right away living the life you deserve.

Remember that the reason you are interested is so that you can have the time and financial freedom to live the life of your dreams. Now is the best time to start, by clicking on http://RaymondsBook.com/gift.

Also, follow me on http://Twitter.com/RaymondAaron and I will immediately follow you back.

Finally, please become my Facebook Fan at http://RaymondAaron.com/FB.

Make Money Fast by Finding Your Burning Desire

Make Money Fast by Finding Your Burning Desire

If you know your Burning Desire … then double your income, or more, using it.

If you do NOT know your Burning Desire… then find it so that you can make double your income, or more.

If you know your Burning Desire, then realize that you already are far ahead of almost everyone else on the planet in that arena, even if you do not believe it yourself!! YES, just having a Burning Desire means that you already know a lot.

Your job is two-fold:

1) Believe that you are far ahead of most people (so that you can begin making money at it)
2) Start the exciting process of creating educational products for others who are interested, but not burning

How do you create educational products? It’s easy. First you must get content. There are three ways to get content:

1) Your Own Wisdom (and you indeed do have lots of information that others actually want)
2) Google (do Google searches and learn even more)
3) Interview Experts (who are typically eager to impart their wisdom)

Now that you have content, what do you do with it? Easy. There are many ways to package the content:

1) Special Reports (type a few pages and you have a special report)
2) Book (type a few dozen pages and you have a downloadable book)
3) Audio (audio-record by just talking into a recording device and you have a podcast or a downloadable audio product)
4) Video (just videotape yourself or your Experts and you have video products)
5) Speech (if you are comfortable on stage, then present your content live in front of audiences)

As you can see, there are many different ways to package the same information. Don’t spend your time choosing which one – do more than one. Do several. It’s fun.

On the other hand, if you don’t know your Burning Desire, just …

1) think of what you do for free,
2) think of what you never procrastinate
3) think of what you enjoy doing
4) think of what others compliment you for doing (even if it seems small to you).

Now, just take one thing that fits into this list. Even if you think you could never make money at it. Take one item. Then, cycle back up to the beginning of this blog post and begin creating content. You will soon see that you will create a following of people who will soon be willing to buy from you! It works and it’s fun.

Comment on this post. Comment on your status with respect to finding your Burning Desire.

And, you can get even more on this topic by enjoying my entire bestselling book DOUBLE YOUR INCOME DOING WHAT YOU LOVE at http://RaymondsBook.com/gift, so that you get started right away living the life you deserve.

Remember that the reason you are interested is so that you can have the time and financial freedom to live the life of your dreams. Now is the best time to start, by clicking on http://RaymondsBook.com/gift.

Also, follow me on http://Twitter.com/RaymondAaron and I will immediately follow you back.

Finally, please become my Facebook Fan at http://RaymondAaron.com/FB.

Four Steps to Double Your Income

Four Steps to Double Your Income

The key to double your income is a healthy and happy attitude. Have you ever wondered what makes a successful and happy person? If you double your income, will you feel good about things? There are millionaires that still live a lonely life. Then there are people that just can’t get what they want out of life, whether it is fame, fortune, jobs, or love.

Making your way in the world today doesn’t have to be hard. When you approach life feeling defeated, it is hard to know where to go. The first step to double your income is start doing what you love and accomplish the goals according to it. When you follow your true path in life, life becomes easy and harmonious.

1.    Define your goals. We all have dreams. When you do what you love, you are living your life to the fullest. What is the difference between a dream and a goal? Goals are clearly defined dreams. For example, you want to double your income. That is a lofty dream without a clearly defined plan. Define the goal. I will double my income by starting my own pet sitting business. Now, you know what you want to do.

2.    Know where you’re going. Figure out what you need to do. How much money will it take and when can you reasonably accomplish each step. For example:

a.    Take a marketing class by September ($500).
b.    Get license and insurance by October ($700).
c.    Advertise in newspaper and online ($50).

By writing your goals down and making them as specific as possible with a deadline, you will know what you need to do to accomplish your goal of doubling your income in small steps.

3.    Set your goals up for success. Eliminate all negative attitudes about why you can’t and won’t be able to do something. Don’t start your thoughts with “Someday, I’ll…”   Know when the specifics of your goal are due, and step up to the plate and do it without procrastination.

4.    Make your goals come true. It’s simple-start living the life you desire. Don’t think it, be it.

Let your old life of strife and struggle end, and start your new easy and effortless life. By changing one habit in a positive way or just accomplishing 1% of something with consistency, you are making a 100% change in your life. Every small step you make will help you accomplish your end goal.

Take immediate action, and you will see immediate gratification. With every milestone and accomplishment you make, celebrate your success. By selecting one long-term goal and setting a path for the things you can do NOW, you’ll be ready to take on the world.

So are you ready to get started and double your income? There are many other factors that will help you build a successful life, but the most important thing is to keep sight of what it is you love and set goals you can accomplish. After that, building a bigger and better life should fall in place instantly.

And, you can get even more on this topic by enjoying my entire bestselling book DOUBLE YOUR INCOME DOING WHAT YOU LOVE at http://RaymondsBook.com/gift, so that you get started right away living the life you deserve.

Remember that the reason you are interested is so that you can have the time and financial freedom to live the life of your dreams. Now is the best time to start, by clicking on http://RaymondsBook.com/gift.

Also, follow me on http://Twitter.com/RaymondAaron and I will immediately follow you back.

Finally, please become my Facebook Fan at http://RaymondAaron.com/FB.