Double Your Income One Step at a Time
When someone wants to know the “secret” to double your income, I ask them, “What do you love?” It’s really that simple; you can double your income just by doing what you love. We’ve all heard the old adage, “Money can’t buy you love.” The truth is, it’s not about the $$$-it’s about what you want this money to do for you.
You figure out what you love to do and set a goal. Through Law of Attraction or neuro-linguistics or The Secret (whatever you’d like to call it), we can set our mind up for success one step at a time.
I decided to enter a 350-mile foot race to the magnetic North Pole. It was a lofty goal. I had one year to get there. So, for one month in April, I would be carrying a hundred-pound sled across the Arctic Ocean.
You do this in the month of April because it is too cold and not enough daylight in the months before. After that, the ice starts to melt, and you would never make it across without sinking into the ocean.
I decided to start my training regimen in my ten-storey condo. I thought to myself if I could carry that hundred pounds up steps, it would be easy to go across the flat ice surface with my sled. I decided to do this one step at a time.
The first day, I thought I was going to die. All I could do was climb a flight and a half and I was on the floor out of breath. I didn’t give up, though. It just took a little at a time. After a while, one day I finally did ten stories.
Let me tell you, by the time I got to 300 flights, I finally figured out what sweatbands were for. I was sweating so hard that the sweat would be burning my eyes. One day, I decided to try 1,000 at 4 P.M. on a Sunday afternoon. After a while, I figured out I could do it in 24 hours, then 12 hours, then 10 hours. Finally, I reached my goal in 9 hours and 51 minutes!
Can you imagine? From one year ago, I couldn’t get up a flight and a half! One of my favorite quotes from Pablo Picasso is, “action is the foundational key to all success.” Find something you actually love to do, and that will be the exercise that gets you to your goal.
Think about it this way. If you changed something 1% to reach your goal by doing what you loved, you just made a 100% change in your life. If you are in a boat on a body of water, and you make a 1% turn, you will completely change the direction your boat is going in a matter of about ten seconds! With this in mind, one step at a time can lead to an instant sense of gratification.
The key to double your income is to identify what you love. You can paste a million dollars up on your ceiling and wake up looking at it every morning; it’s clever… but it ain’t gonna work if you don’t take one step every day to accomplish your end goal.
And, you can get even more on this topic by enjoying my entire bestselling book DOUBLE YOUR INCOME DOING WHAT YOU LOVE at http://RaymondsBook.com/gift, so that you get started right away living the life you deserve.
Remember that the reason you are interested is so that you can have the time and financial freedom to live the life of your dreams. Now is the best time to start, by clicking on http://RaymondsBook.com/gift.
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