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Goal Accomplishment is a Little-Known Wealth Secret

Goal Accomplishment is a Little-Known Wealth Secret

Have you ever looked at the person in the car next to yours at a stop light, noticed how nice their car was and wondered to yourself what that person has that you don’t? Not counting money perhaps, that person may know a few wealth secrets that you do not.

There are not many classes or seminars that you can pay for and attend that lay out wealth secrets. There are few secret black books that spills the beans on how to accumulate wealth. There are some tips that are available to everyone who is willing to learn and apply to their own lives that can help add to the bottom line.

There are plenty of resources on the Internet or in print that teach goal setting as a way to build net worth. Yes, something as simple as setting goals has warranted hundreds of thousands of books, articles and blogs to be written that support the concept. Goal setting is something that can help, but using that tool alone is focusing in the wrong area.

If you enjoy fishing as a sport, you would have some idea of the things you need to actually go fishing. You know that in most places, you need licenses or permits to fish in some waterways. You know that you need all sorts of gear to go fishing, most importantly a rod and reel. You also have some idea of the best time of day to go fishing, and the best places to go.

Knowing all of those things about fishing would get you to the watering hole of your choice at the right time, with the best equipment you could afford. So would you go through all of that just for the enjoyment of casting a line? No! You may enjoy some or all of the preparatory aspects of fishing, but the whole point of going fishing is to catch fish, right?

Goal setting as a stand alone practice is like planning a fishing trip with no intention to catch any fish at all. Goal Accomplishment is the key facet of goal setting, which is in turn a practice that many wealthy people have mastered. They have become experts at setting goals, and masters at getting them done.

Often, that is the chief difference between you and the guy you saw at the stop light. That is the little known wealth secret that we seem to miss on a regular basis. Anyone can set goals, but few people master the art of accomplishing those goals on a consistent basis.

Goal setting and goal accomplishment go hand in hand. Learning how to set good goals, learning how to define different types of goals, and most importantly, how to accomplish the goals you set, is a process that does not take years to learn. Understand that goal accomplishment is a wealth secret that does not require any special skill to master. It takes a simple systematic approach, and you will be well on your way to financial freedom.

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Dispelling a Myth That Will Help You Get Out of Debt

Dispelling a Myth That Will Help You Get Out of Debt

There are many reasons that most of us have debt. Some debts are unavoidable, like your home mortgage, or car payment. What is common are some attitudes we have about debt, and what is acceptable. Changing the way we think about carrying debt can ultimately help us get out of debt.

One of the most common myths about money and personal finance is that we can or should buy something because we deserve it. We have this false sense of entitlement in regards to our spending that causes us to create debt problems. We think that since we work really hard for something, we deserve to buy it regardless of cost.

This myth can be particularly challenging for those of us who have a tight financial balance. If you are someone who has difficulty saving but generally manages the rest of their finances well, you may buy things on credit and create unnecessary debt.

Let’s say you have been in the market for a home computer for a while. One day you notice an ad in the local paper that talks about a weekend sale on home computers. Naturally, you rush down to the store that placed the ad to check out the possible deals.

When you get to the store, you quickly see all of the great specials on home computers. You are also able to quickly identify a model that is well within your price range. This model has most of the features you want, and has all of the must-haves.

Not far away from the reasonably priced model, you spot the grand pooh-bah of home computers. This model has everything you want and need in a home computer, plus many features that you only dreamed and heard about. This computer is more than you have saved and budgeted for.

You know it costs more than you intended to spend, but since you can get it on a store credit card, you buy it anyway. Hey, you work hard; you provide for your family and acknowledged that you would need the more expensive model to accommodate your family’s usage.

You work hard, your family needs it, and therefore, you deserve this more expensive computer right? Wrong! You deserve a computer that works for your needs and that works for your budget. By getting the more expensive computer, you created more debt for yourself. You also put unnecessary pressure on yourself to work harder in order to pay for the added expense.

By convincing yourself that the more expensive unit is worth the added burden of paying for it, you have endorsed the theory that you deserve the best money can buy. What has really happened is that you allowed your desire for a new computer outweigh your sense of practical and normal spending habits

The way we should look at scenarios like this one is to recognize that any form of debt, no matter how big or small, is bad. We should also note that while we had enough money saved to buy an adequate computer, we chose to burden ourselves with the more expensive model.

We can overcome this set-back by being willing to limit our purchases on things we want and focusing on buying only what we need. By limiting our spending to things we need from those we want, we will be able to save more, which means we can eventually get out of debt.

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Change the Way You Think and Live a High Income Life

Change the Way You Think and Live a High Income Life

Most people laugh at the idea that living a high income life is possible for them, seemingly at the flip of an internal switch. It is hard to think that they could be living the life they dreamed of by following a simple plan and changing the way they think.

Most of us are at places in our lives where a few small changes in us would drastically alter our lifestyle. Unfortunately, we somehow think that we are too old to change the way we look at problems. We even fear changing so much that it paralyzes us in other areas of our lives.

Even the thought of changing how we view things sends us into a panic, but it is most necessary to make corrections in our selves after self-reflection. Self-reflection is a difficult task to master. It is also a very necessary tool in accomplishing one’s goals.

First, change how you see or think about goals and goal setting by understanding that the purpose of setting goals is to accomplish them. Instead of becoming a goal setter, become a goal accomplisher. This will be the beginning of changing how you see things.

Most people think it is impossible to will your way to financial success. Imagine the world without personal computers. If Bill Gates had simply given up on his dreams and goals, where would we be? Gates willed his way to the top of the computer industry for many years. Was he smarter than us? Perhaps, but he believed his goals to be real and attainable, and they were.

By now, every American is fully aware that we are in a global economic crisis. Families are forced to make decisions that sometimes alter their quality of life. Getting out of debt, or making financial decisions based on managing their debt is the best way for families to make it.

Managing debt can be as simple as paying off all small balance credit accounts. Once this task is completed, you can choose to continue paying balances down or save a few dollars and pay off major credit balances. The key in this scenario is not what we are doing, but the fact that we are doing something at all.

Managing debt can also mean not opening new credit accounts when you have what you really need already. Caring for one’s family is not at question here, but if there are items that you could live without for now, it would be well worth it to do so. By not adding debt to your current situation, you are actively pursuing being debt free.

Whether you are looking to improve your financial picture or starting from scratch, living a high income lifestyle is attainable with a few actions. We must repeat those actions, or good habits, so often that they become second nature. By changing the way we see debt, or goal accomplishment, we will notice dramatic changes in your lives.

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Getting Out of Debt by Walking Backwards

Getting Out of Debt by Walking Backwards

While many of us have a clear idea of where we want to go in life, we may be a bit overwhelmed by not knowing how to get there. Often we discover that the way to financial independence and getting out of debt is littered with obstacles. One way to get past a few of these roadblocks is simply to plan in reverse.

Goal setting is such an important tool in our life’s journey. By setting goals, they seemingly serve as miniature road markers on our way to where we want our lives to go. More importantly, by looking at goal setting in a different way than we may have in the past, it allows us to acknowledge goal accomplishment as an even more powerful life skill.

In other words, we have learned that simply setting goals is not enough to get where we want in life. We know we actually have to accomplish these goals and reset new ones all along the way. Goal accomplishment should bear most of our focus, not just the act of setting goals.

Now, what do we mean by walking backward? What about driving in reverse? Honestly, walking backward to get out of debt means that you take time to look back or review the goals you have set. It also means taking a look at what you have accomplished and using this information to plan future goals and accomplishments.

If you have become an expert at setting and accomplishing goals, walking backward can take you to the next level in your life. As an expert goal setter, we should have major goals set, maybe six- to twelve-month goals, and we should have smaller benchmarks set which fit inside the framework of the larger goals.

Going further, if we had a goal set to accomplish by the end of this calendar year, we should have monthly goals as benchmarks to guide us toward our year-end goal. When expressed in this way, we can grasp the concept of walking backward as just looking over the goals and mini-goals we set during the year.

Reflecting on these goals will serve many purposes. The first purpose would be to understand exactly where we are in relation to accomplishing our large goals. Another purpose would be to determine if we need to adjust our plan, or change direction completely. This is crucial in mastering goal accomplishment.

By walking backward, we are just reviewing our plan. So if we notice we are not going in the right direction, or if we have just strayed off target a bit, we are able to make adjustments and get back on target. A very important purpose that walking backward serves is giving us the ability to take time to acknowledge what we have accomplished thus far.

Let’s be honest. A strong sense of self-worth, the satisfaction of getting something done, or the self-esteem boost we get when we accomplish something is a powerful tool that we can use as we go forward. Imagine what would happen by our setting good goals, accomplishing them and getting those powerful feelings each and every time we walk backward, or review our life map.

It would undoubtedly inspire us to do even more, reach even higher, and accomplish more than we ever dreamed. So by walking backward, we can use this step as a powerful tool in getting out of debt.

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